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"A woman protagonist in institutions and society": the Sant'Anna School participates in the conference to remember Maria Eletta Martini

The event is organized by the Maria Eletta Martini Research Center. The program of the initiative at which Emanuele Rossi, professor of the Dirpolis Institute of the Sant'Anna School, will speak

Publication date: 13.04.2023
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The conference " Una donna protagonista nelle istituzioni e nella società", organized by the Maria Eletta Martini Research Center, is scheduled in Lucca, at the Sala Ademollo of the Palazzo Ducale, on Tuesday, April 18, at 5:30 p.m., in memory of the politician from Lucca who was a protagonist of decades of political, parliamentary and social life in twentieth-century Italy. The Research Center named after her was created at the end of 2019 thanks to the synergy between Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies and the Fondazione per la Coesione Sociale. The event is promoted in collaboration with the Provincia di Lucca.


The programmed talks


The initiative includes a reflection on the volume dedicated to Maria Eletta Martini published by the Camera dei Deputati "Maria Eletta Martini a 10 anni dalla scomparsa", which collects the main parliamentary speeches and public interventions. The introduction of the conference is by Luca Menesini, president of the Provincia di Lucca, Raffaele Domenici for the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, and Lucia Corrieri Puliti for the Fondazione per la Coesione Sociale.

Following this, the program will include speeches by Emanuele Rossi, professor of Constitutional Law at the DIRPOLIS (Law, Politics, Development) Institute of the Sant'Anna School, and the Honorable Rosy Bindi and Silvia Costa, who have had in Maria Eletta Martini an important point of reference in their political history. During the meeting, there will be a reading by Giulia Perelli, actress, performer and video artist, of excerpts from the Camera dei Deputati volume.

Also scheduled to attend is the Martini family, which, in 2020, wished to donate Maria Eletta's personal archive to the Research Center. The donation contains a vast production of public speeches, reports, correspondence, essays, interviews, press reviews, political and parliamentary documents-a personal archive that represents the heart of her public life and political engagement.


The event is open to the public.


The detailed program is available in the attachment.